Stock photo of grey / black plastic garden compost bins, compost heap / converter, allotment / vegetable garden

Stock Images / Photos of Compost Heaps and Bins (Gardening)

Stock image of grey / black plastic garden compost bins, compost heap / converter, allotment / vegetable garden

Royalty Free Images - Filename: allotment_compost_bins_2.jpg

Photo showing a row of grey and black plastic garden compost bins, filled with garden waste that is being recycled. The compost heaps / converters are positioned at one side of a shared community garden allotment plot / vegetable garden, next to a clump of rhubarb leaves and strawberry plants.

Relevant image keywords:
allotment, bin, bins, black, compost, compost bin, compost heap, converter, crop, garden, gardening, grey, growing, heap, heaps, leaves, line, plants, plastic, row, soil, vegetable, waste