
My Stock Photos

All rights reserved for My Stock Photos. No part of this stock photography website may be reproduced, copied, stored or transmitted in any way, shape or form, or by any means whatsoever, without the written permission of us here at My Stock Photos - and that's not going to happen anyway! All of this website has been registered and is currently protected by UKCS Reg. no. 249412, as well as by Copyscape, as part of the TravelSmart Ltd umbrella. And don't forget, they are ALL available on iStockPhotos (managed by Getty images) - and Getty really does not tolerate copyright issues in any shape or form. They have a very firm legal department that deals with even the most minor instances of copyright breaches.

We work together with Google and Internet Service Providers to search for any breaches of copyright, including our images, short phrases, single sentences and paragraphs, and whole pages. Under no circumstances will we allow our images and content to be copied - offending websites will be closed, thanks to our very competent and efficient copyright department. You have been asked nicely and politely warned, and requested to understand our tolerance to this matter. Please therefore be respectful and look elsewhere, to Wikipedia and other public shared-content sites.

Our photographers have worked unbelievably hard, researching locations, looking at weather forecasts (!), setting up still-life studio shots, buying photography equipment and props, and ultimately taking these photographs, and our writers work tirelessly captioning them with titles, descriptions and the most relevant of keywords. All of these images and the accompanying text are completely copyright and our sole property. Please understand that the My Stock Photos website really has been an enormous amount of work - a labour of love if you will. It is not about making money, but more about sharing our unique photos with the world.

Where copyright has been breached, we will ensure that legal action is initiated and enforced, albeit reluctantly. Therefore, we do appreciate your assistance and understanding, and please do enjoy perusing our stock photography portfolio, and hopefully purchasing some of our cheap digital images that are for sale here at